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Just a girl who loves to laugh and likes to make people laugh. She also has a dream to have her house designed by herself in the future. Sof7Drink, bob8D'builder, Casablan9Ca, Djenera de Tjakra!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Enough with the tumblr hunting for today. Maybe.

This week, I watch 2 Movies:

I wanna make a quick review about them.

1. Tekken
Well, I think, actually this movie is kinda good. I usually get excited easily about movies, but I was quite disappointed by this movie because it's a little far from the original game series. The game is way more better. And the fights, not as good as I expected. Maybe it's me who expects too much, but seriously, the fights is more like street fight then martial arts thingy. If you wanna watch it, just watch.

2. Karate Kid
Ok man this movie is awesome. Maybe I'm exaggerating but as I said, I get excited easily about movies. I haven't seen the original version of this movie, but this movie is so good. Udah ah capek nulis bahasa inggris. Filmnya keren banget loh beneran ceritanya lumayan bagus, dan aksinya keren eaea. Jaden Smith. OMG INI ANAK KECIL KEREN ABIS KECIL KECIL SIXPACK Nice abs you got there, kid. SAMA KERENNYA SAMA BAPAKNYA! Prikitiew! Jadi saya rekomendasikan film ini.

p.s: ini pemikiran saya ya, jangan dianggep macem-macem

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