About Me

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Just a girl who loves to laugh and likes to make people laugh. She also has a dream to have her house designed by herself in the future. Sof7Drink, bob8D'builder, Casablan9Ca, Djenera de Tjakra!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

eh apa jangan-jangan dia udah nikah.........15 may waktu sana...........disana jam brp?! yaudahlah intinya gitu

They're Getting Married

what a cute couple <3

and they're getting married! tonight!(u.s.a's time). I was iseng-iseng looking the Jensen Ackles' discussion board(sebetulnya mau nyari twitter dia, soalnya kalo jensen ackles punya twitter saya akan langsung bikin twitter! ternyata dia ga punya, kita sama ya(": ) and i found one that discusses this(?) so i checked e online and it's true! WOW CONGRATULATIONS AND CELEBRATION even though maybe you don't know me and never read this(menyedihkan). GOOD LUCK AND HAVE A HAPPY WEDDING Jensen Ackles and Danneel Harris!!! Jensen Ackles don't forget your fans! I'm one of them! Once again, congratulations!

,your fan

(saya dapet foto ini dari tumblr)

Yaampun lucu ya mukanya sayangnya saya belom nonton iron man..............1&2......huu sedih baru nonton dia di sherlock holmes