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Just a girl who loves to laugh and likes to make people laugh. She also has a dream to have her house designed by herself in the future. Sof7Drink, bob8D'builder, Casablan9Ca, Djenera de Tjakra!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Makhluk Tuhan part 3 + Omegle

YAK ternyata hari ini saya bertemu orang yg sangat freak di omegle! FREAK BANGET! dan ada hubungannya ama si makhluk tuhan ini ckckck lihat nih:

You: hi
Stranger: you know, i was just sleeping and
Stranger: all of a sudden i got this feeling where i had to get on omegle to meet you
You: ?
You: why?
Stranger: gives me a feeling that you could be THE ONE
(gw udah mikir apaan nih, ternyata.......)
Stranger: I need you to catch this massive ***** that's been living under my bed for a month
Stranger: I need you to catch this massive ***** that's been living under my bed for a month
Stranger: i mean it is gigantic
Stranger: are you good at that?
You: im afraid of *****
Stranger: still, you could have that hidden power under you
You: ?
Stranger: you know, you could have been fighting *****es in your previous life!
Stranger: release your inner powers!
You: sorry maybe i'm not the one
Stranger: you disappoint me

terus dia langsung disconnected.

FREAK BANGET gw kira apaan taunya gw dibilang pembasmi ******, ckckck
ohiya yg di chat itu ***** pake bahasa inggris hahaha sebetulnya bahasa inggrisnya ********* tapi disingkat jadi 5 huruf hahaha geje ya gw.

Terus kemaren gw ama nyokap naik taxi, terus gw nyender di pintu, terus ad aini makhluk tapi kecil banget jadi gw masih agak geser dikit, terus gw nengok ad ayg lebih gedean dikit terus gw loncat ke nyokap gw -__- terus kaya supir taxinya udah "kenapa?" gitu nyokap gw juga. gw bilang aja ada ******, akhirnya gw tukeran tempat duduk ama nyokap gw ahahahha.

sudah, seperti itu ceritanya ahahahah freak yaa hahaha


(sok regards)

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